Wednesday 20 November 2013

Post 2-Wednesday 20th November 2013

My New Cast :) 
So today I went to hospital again and not only did they give me a bright pink cast :),the doctor said that I only have 4 more weeks before i can walk again :), so i am going to have my cast off before christmas!!!!!!!! 
On a different note, I have made a list of my favourite songs/bands that I was listening to in hospital to take my mind off my broken legedness. 

Here is the list:
Keep Your Head Up by Ben Howard
The album Modern Vampires of the City by Vampire Weekend
Waiting by Jamie Campbell Bower
The John Wayne by Little Green Cars
The album 21 by Mystery Jets 
Let Her Go by Passenger 
Can we Dance by The Vamps
Our Song and Mean by Taylor Swift 
Bonfire Heart by James Blunt
Rings Round Roses by Gabrielle Aplin
The Power of Love by Gabrielle Aplin
Don't Stop by Nina Nesbitt
Demons by Imagine Dragons
Flaws by Bastille
American Pie by Don Mclean
On top of the world by Imagine Dragons
Youth by Daughter
One day like this by elbow
Emmylou by First Aid Kit
Wings by Birdy 
there are loads more but that might get a little bit boring.........
Thankyou for looking at my blog! 
cesca xx

Monday 18 November 2013

Post 1, Monday 18th November 2013- so I managed to break my leg.....

So this is my 1st post on my blog about what its like to be on crutches for a long time............(well...8 weeks...meh) 
I managed to break my leg just over two weeks ago falling off my penny board. I broke it kind of badly and so it had to be operated on and now I have lots of screws and pins in there :). I meant to be on crutches for about 8 weeks but hopefully it will be a lot quicker than that....
I am back at school at the moment but its quite difficult getting around everywhere but teachers dont seem to mind when I am late :) 
Cesca xx

My leg when I was in A&E